This is a list of all of the files. Each file will be either linked or embedded from the git repo version:
DWP Theme
- .distignore
- .editorconfig
- .gitattributes
- .gitignore
- 404.php
- archive.php
- category.php
- comments.php
- /css
- admin.css
- admin.scss
- bootstrap-icons.css
- colors.css
- colors.scss
- custom.css
- custom.scss
- /fonts
- style.min.css
- footer.php
- functions.php
- gulpfile.js
- header.php
- /img
- /inc
- dwp-dev.php
- dwp-smtp.php
- dwp-update.php
- theme-base.php
- theme-settings.php
- theme-templates.php
- wp-admin.php
- wp-cleaner.php
- wp-gutenberg.php
- wp-nav-walker.php
- index.php
- /js
- _scripts.js
- _scripts.min.js
- admin.js
- editor.js
- init.js
- script.min.js
- package.json
- /page-templates
- footer-post.php
- page-theme.php
- sidebar-post.php
- single-container.php
- title-post.php
- page.php
- screenshot.png
- search.php
- searchform.php
- sidebar.php
- single.php
- style.css
- tag.php
DWP Plugin
- .babelrc
- .distignore
- .editorconfig
- .gitattributes
- .gitignore
- .nvmrc
- .phpcs.xml.dist
- .travis.yml
- /build
- index.asset.php
- index.js
- dwp-blocks.php
- dwp-guten.js
- dwp-guten.php
- dwp-metaboxes.php
- dwp-update.php
- package-lock.json
- package.json
- /src
- index.js
- _access.log
- _error.log
- _php_error.log
- .editorconfig
- .env
- .env.example
- .gitignore
- .gitmodules.extra
- .gitmodules.remote
- .htaccess
- .jshintignore
- .jshintrc
- .travis.yml
- access.log
- /app
- index.php
- /mu-plugins
- /plugins
- /themes
- /upgrade
- /uploads
- /bin
- composer.json
- config.yml
- gruntfile.js
- index-wp-redis.php
- index.php
- package.json
- phpunit.xml.dist
- robots.txt
- /wp
- wp-cli.yml
- wp-config-sample.php
- wp-config.php
- wp.local.key.pem
- wp.local.pem